bands- system of a down, nirvana, p.o.d., papa roch, linken park( the first album reanimation sucked cow balls),saliva, limp bizket , hoobastank, drowning pool, alien ant farm, powerman 5000, god smack, preasure 4-5, disturbed, sum 41, creed, nickel back, flaw, 12 stones, sevendust, rob zombie, (the king of metal, the prince of darkness) ozzy!!!!!!!, korn, kid rock, marilyn mansion, neurotica, (1 song by..) cypress hill, off spring, puddle of mudd, red hot chilli pepers, smashing pumkins, trust co., slip knot, tantric, adema, tool, dope, twisted method, ever last, mushroom head, murder dolls, pantera, judist priest, momento, mudvayne,grade 8, no one, marilyon mansion, metalica, motergrater, ill nino, gold finger, rage against the machine, rammsein, seether, scorpions, smile empty stone, trapt, stone sour, gorrolaz, finger 11, endo, deftones, cypris hill, cky, chevelle, biohazard, antrax, adema, 12 stones, aerosmith, opeth(a-lot huh?)
fav. tv shows- simpsons,daria, and invader zim
fav drinks- ANYTHING MADE BY COCA COLA!!!!!!!!