
well ill try and write every day but dont count on it i some times get 2 have a life.


song of the day | writings | band pics | About Me | Linkers | pics | shout outs | journal

Ok i dont have much to say... i just needed to let the worls kno I LOVE TRICIA, idc wat anyone says or thinks she is the most amzing person in the hole god damn world i would go from end to end of the world for her. But wether were going out, making out, or just best friends that dosent matter you all can just keep on guessin, but it dosent matter cuz i love her!
OK ok ive mist alot but here we go....................................Happy Birthday to me, happy hallowen to all, merry christmas, happy chanika, kikin kwanza, happy new year and anything else tat i left out. so to fill u in lets back up......
I now have my permit so woo hoo for me i cand drive, im doing drivers ed to so ill have my senior license before all you bitches hahaha. ok wat else o yeah i went and visited my dad agaion i luved it so much, i had my eye brow pierced but had 2 take it out for work, and i like it so much tat i might go live wit him for the summer. Work has been idk work nothin special there im makin shit pay and guess wat i got a raise i was given a 50 fucking cent raise woo hoo. o well atleast at my job  i get 2 touch 100s of peoples lives every day so there, plus when i get out high school ill probely make more money then il kno wat to do wit. i went to a show on the 13, it was dope, twisted method, and mushroom head and it was the most amazing show ever! the only down fall sat morning going to work was a super bitch, ive enever been drunk but i kno wat it feels like to have a hang over now (or atleast tats wat i think). so lets see , o yeah in tech well in one tech class were going to build a mini ramp! tats gonna be awsome.  IM also gettin a new computedr yay! o well i guess no one realy cares about that but o well. well when i talk about computers thats how you kno im out of things to talk about, and you would think over like a year i would have no say but hell my life is dull and boring, o well at least i finaly updated.
Well im sry it took so long (2 any1 who reads this) but tripod sucks. Summer was ok but sorda boring during the beging. i mainly worked and thx 2 tat iv decided never 2 have kids. i went 2 nj witch was cool a lil lonely cuz i had nof riends or any1 wit me but still i went in the ocean and went on sum cool rides at the carnival there. I also went 2 my dads witch was so much fun. he should me how 2 do alot of dif piercings 2. And 2 every1 out there in bored internet land if u want $5 and piercing tat it just pay 4 equitment, better by me then wit a non-starel needle or 2 much money sum where else. so anyways it was cool there i went wi6t him 2 work and rode on his motercycle. I also meet even more family then i kne i had. Well schools started I HATE IT! im like by my self a good majority of they day. and of course all my frees r rite in the morning witch sux! So anyways 2 finsh up, i wouldnt want 2 bore every1, summer was ok and school (like always) sux, peace out u all.
holy crap tat took 4 ever. Im not even gonna bother trying 2 figure out how long its taken me 2 update. Im sry 2 any1 who read this(like any1 does) o well. So anyways wats new...... Well i passed all my regents cept 4 spanish but believe it or not i finalky did it after 3 years of lil work i have passed spanish 1. go me.  Um well not much 2 say cuz i have no life o well um summer is here and ive been heklping out at a summer camp always fun who doesnt luv insane lil kid 4 10 hrs a day . nothing else tat fun, rite? and o yeah im going 2 NJ and i can bring 1 frined so if sum1 can dish the moeny u can go wit me but o well strong feeling no1 would want 2 go wit me but who cares.  And i cant wait cuz i get 2 visit my dad again real soon. well tats all i prety much have left 2 say so um hey any1 who wants sum piercings plz come 2 me i chare liek 5$5  witch is just the price of equitment compared 2 the other fucks who dont kno wat they r doing and chanrge llike  $40. and Theresa u better come here i got sum awsome ideas 4 u!!

Wow its been way to long sience ive updated. So much has happened 2. So anyways over spring break I went to my dads. It was the first time in about way to long. It was realy cool I did a lot of cool things and I meet so many relatives tat I barely could rember . The only bad thing was, well 5 days is no where near long enough. Me and Katrina are finaly going out witch is so great. Well rather then go into detail those are the major things so byes.


Life sux.
Wow look at the cool number all 3s tats so cool!!! Well anyways im realy bored and im in school and there isnt anything 2 do. So i thought why not update. I cant update the song of the day but o well ill do it 2marrow. Some annoying blah, blahed up my song of the week pole so im a lil pissed but ill get over it. Me and Paul just cant do it. We mannaged 2 have 22 fights the other day but as hard as we try we cant get 2 tat # again. But we will keep trying anyways. Well i got 2 go and do hw byes.
yeah i kno it wasnt in a row but o well!  Well nothing has happened 2 me but who cares. My mother is being so annoying. She told me sho would take me to ozzfest. And if u dont kno wat it is ur retarted. BUt anyways i want to go and i will go. $10 lawn seats!!!!! those are the greatest tickets alvine. She dosent want to go cuz its all day and you have to go to the city to buy tickets. So where there or not she will take me to the city to get them i dont care i will go get them myself anyways. Werll other then that my life is realy boring and there isnt muych for me to say so byes.
I cant believe it i just keep on updating. And every1 i took alot of time 2 put up those new pages so u better start voting 4 the band of the week!!!! well lets see well sience i last updated stuff hass happened! well i was attaked the other day. Two girls pulled me down to the ground and undid my sweater there by reviling my shirt wich had school spirit!Well lets back trak realy quikly. The problem was all my cloths were getting washed and it was all i had and if i didnt make such a big deal over every1 wearing black then this kindda thing might not have happened. So anyways after i was reveled 2 have school spirit then a few guys (manily Erik) started stoping on my chest (ow!!!) !!! Also lets see wat happened 2 me. Wow i just relised how self absorbed ppl sound in there jurnals, lol.Ok well... today me paul and well alot of ppl all stayed after and we all went 2 the carmel dinner which was prety cool i think and sombody stiffed and didnt pay leaving kenny having 2 pay 4 some1 (we will find u!) and i thought tat was mean of some1 but cool of him not 2 flip out, I (there i go again wit the word "I") woulda started cursing at every1 till i got the damn money. Well other then tat i guess nothing realy major has happened so um byes!
Well there isnt much for me to say. its exactly 12:01 and i just updated. yeah i havent been sleeping much l8tly and no1 is on already. i'm so lonly. Well anyways make sure u vote on the new thing and see u all in school!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!To days in a row ive updated, i know i know i cant believe it either. Well other then this nothing has realy happened at all. I did add a new page and im going 2 try and update everyday but dont count on it im me after all right. And everyone who uses kazza why would u its the most stupid thing ever, in my opinion u should use winamix. although it makes it alot harded to upload music atleast u dont have 2 put up with the annoying add-ware. Well thats all i have 2 say and everyone make sure they were black 2marrow .
Go yeti go yeti its ur birthday its ur birthday. Ok mabey not but hey im finaly updating. It only took me about a month. Holy crap talk about precrastination, omg the day be4 school after a week long vacation and i still havent finished all my hw!!! well lets bak trak and see wats happened 2 me in the past month? Well i had finaly got a gf but we didnt last long. It just wasnt working so we broke up, but i feel realy furinet cuz we r still friends which is realy cool. Ow and if u ever go 2 Middle Town DON'T !!!! The ppl there r all total ass holes dont realy ask y they just all seem 2 be stuck up fucking snops and are realy bad liers! Well i guess my life is realy fucking boring huh, O well.
Wow it been awhile. Ive been so busy. But believe it or not not that much has happened. Well there is on thing...................................................................................
I got a girl friend. O yeah thats right the yeti has a girl friend. It took me for ever but i fianly asked tiffany out. NO were werent going out be for. well thats everything i wanted 2 say so um yay i got a girl friend.
Holy crap. Im sry to all those ppl who read tis again. See ive been under so much stress l8ly. See im testing for certified instructor and there is so much I have 2 do I dont have any idea of how i can handle all this. There are so many ppl who dont want 2 see me and my friend Paul do this. They think we are 2 young tat we cant handle it. But him and I kno we can and will but its just so much harder when u r in front of a group of ppl who are far better then you and dont want u 2 be there and u have 2 prove them wrong. Well I have only 10 days in counting left till I leave for a 3 day test in crap cold weather. I will get no sleep have 2 do so much. Well of I go 2 do more work i doubt i willl finish even though ive been working on all these writings for who knows how long.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Fuck this fuck this. Ok mabey im blowing things a bit out of perportions but o well. Ive been trying so hard 2 put a video on my site but tripod is gay and wont let me. For those of u who dont kno, i take taekwondo (omg ). And in less then 2 weeks im testing 2 be come an certified instroctor. And I need 2 write about 50 essays, and no im not exagerating. Well here i m and im still not even done with all of them, fuck me (not literaly). And i realy hate my sis, if it wasnt for the hole legal thing I would kill her. She is a horrible person and she has been sami-desent in school. But not because she wanted 2 be nice but because my mother beribed her. She said tat if my sis was good she could get her toung pierced. AHHHHHHHHHH. She is so ugly and fat and she wants 2 bring more attention 2 her self wit piercings, i cant take her. So now all i hear is my grandmother (who pretty much hates my sis, cuz she can see maggie for wat she realy is ) and mother yellingat eachother, wit my sis chiming in at all the wrong moments in a horrible atempt 2 protect wat ever dignety she has left. So here Im home alone cuz everybody has left the house, crying or pissed. Its times like this tat realy make life not worth it huh?
Well wow here i m updating i never thought i would get a chance. Every night i get home late do hw and then go 2 sleep so im sry i havent updated in a while. But it realy dosent matter tho nothing has happened anyways. The other day i fell asleep during my math test and u can guess wat kinda grade i got, yeah i failed realy bad . Tats like the first time this year, but o well . And ive been so pissed of at Corey Taylor ( for those of u who dont kno who he is, he is the lead singer of slipknot). Well anyways he left them to go wit his other band stonesour. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well shit happens right, so wat ever.
Once again i haven't wrote shit in a while. Im alwas at "work". But like alwas there isnt much 2 say. But 2day i found out tat there is something wrong wit lexi and some how it involves me. I fell so bad now. And trina is so miserable which also makes me feel bad. I feel like crap im depressed and pissed for no reason. I cant stand all this crap. And now no1 is on for me 2 talk 2. I just hope everything works its self out and every1 is ok in the end.
yeah sry to al those ppl who actualy read this but i couldnt write yesterday. I went 2 "work" and i use quotes cuz i dont actualy work there yet i only intern there.but wat ever i felt sick and i went got a work out came home and went 2 sleep. Today was pretty boring nuttin realy happened in school at all. But when i got home i had something from the school and i thought "o shit wat did i do" so i opened the letter and guess wat? Im on honnor role, holly shit I'm smart. Um every1 look up make sure the sky isnt falling and pigs arent flying cuz now im a lil scared. 
Well today was boring nothing realy happened. School was boring and nothing happened there either. I came home 2 my grandmother who has been so bitchy lately. And tat just pissed me off and she needed me 2 shovel the whole cm. of snow on the ground. So I did that and then the neigbor needed my help so now my back is killing me. I aslo talked 2 beth for likle the first time in, well a year (hehe). And she linked me so im happy about that. Well i have a lot of homework so i got 2 start wondering who i should copy it off of 2marrow so bye every1.
I'm so tired and everything looks blury. I was up all night and 2marrow i got school, yay! I most have seen like 10 different movies last night and i dont remeber any of them. I knew tat i wouldnt be able 2 write everyday, so 2 day im going 2 make 2 entrys i think. well im realy tired and think im going 2 go 2 sleeep nighty night every1.
happy snow day every1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well there they go now we have used up all are snow days so now were going 2 start losing days off spring break . That would suck so much if we lost 2 many days. Well i added a few more pics and added 2 the writtings. Ive been hanging out wit one of my old friends tat i havent seen in a while 2day so im pretty happy.well if u have any suggestions for me plz tell me.
Does any1 like the dentists? I dont i think its wast of my time. But still i had a check up and i kno im lucky, but its the same thing every time "no cavities see u next year". And every year i tell my mother i dont need 2 go but i still find my self sitting in the chair.i also went and got my hair cut, witch i also hate. I cant stan listing 2 women who a ugly and think the goddesses talking about ppl wit sexual problems. God damn it couldnt they talk about tat some where else? I dont kno anyway2day was pretty boring nothing much happened and i didnt go 2 "work", so now im updating. But atleast im all prettyed up now.
Well its a lil while after midnight whitch would make it a new year and im home alone, god damn i m bored. i have added a quote of the day and tripod suckes so much. but i finaly got some pics, if u hae some send them to me plz. other then tat not much has happened. i hope every1 else had a happy new year tho.
Well here is the day every1 has been waiting for. Ive finaly published my site yay!!!!!!!! I have a bunch of stuff so check out everything. Im not 100% done yet but im getting there. The only bad thing is tat me finishing my site is the high light of my day. Well i hope every1 has a good new years. O and i dont have pics yet so dont look at them lol.
It only took me 4 ever but im finaly doing it im making a site of my very own (touch down 7 points yeti's way)!!!!!!!!!!But i got 2 give rich his props (recation) he fucking was here the entire time guiding me thro the whole thing.